
Mark 6:31 And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Welcome to Sanctuary. Webster's defines a sanctuary as "a place hat is set apart and holy."

Sanctuary is an online resource for this very time as a means to focus on what really matters a life "set apart", holy and devoted to living restfully and peacefully in Him.

If you long for peace, refuge and a safe place to curl up and discover more of yourself and who you were created to be......welcome home.

Here, you'll find resources to help you help you center, or re-center when the pull of the world seems to take you out of control. And, may this be a place of rest and refuge for the weary soul.

As a "type A" driven young professional, I spent years building a career and an identity centered around performance, results and what the world would call success.

15 years later, after several cycles of burn out, unrest and dissatisfaction, God has taught me about where success really comes from.....identity in Him.

Bookmark the site and explore when you need peace, refuge, a safe place........a sanctuary.