
Quiet time

The Storm that Led to “Living" Sanctuary 

Last year in Central Virginia, we experienced a weather phenomenon called a Derecho.  While hosting our couples Bible study this storm blew in just as we were finishing up for the evening.   That weekend was jam packed with not only hosting this study but preparing for the launch of a major initiative at work.  But in the matter of 20 minutes, this storm changed the agenda and not just for the weekend but for the next two weeks.  Power was out, roads were blocked and homes and cars were destroyed. 

Now, June in Virginia can be hot and humid with temperatures in the 90’s and no power for two weeks can make for a pretty miserable time.    But something occurred during these two weeks.   When left with the option of being hot and miserable or finding ways to enjoy the world without technology, I chose to think of the world before technology and live in the moment….. in tune with sights, sounds, smells and activities that used to be treasured before TV, Internet and technology took over the world.

We moved in with my husband parent’s on their Christmas tree farm 10 minutes down the road because they still had power.   But because most of the region was without power, the pace of life was different. Priorities shifted.   What I discovered was that even though we were staying in a house that still have power and technology, what I longed for was quiet. I longed for a slower pace. I treasured extended periods of time for devotions and journaling.  I treasured family time around the kitchen table with board games and long conversations. Thus, began my quest to create time and space in my schedule to create these experiences, even with power restored.   In essence, I wanted “Sanctuary.”  A place and a state of mind that was quiet, peaceful and a refuge from the worlds pull.

Today, a year later, this quest has paid off.  We’ve moved from suburbia to a 17 acre farm.  I’ve yet to get internet access at the property, and I am ever conscious of what happens in me and to me when I over schedule and remove margin from my weeks.

So, what about you?  Do you long for a slower pace, rest and peace in your hectic life.   Well my friends, it’s an intentional choice you have to make to create it. 

Here’s a process to help you get started…..

Find a quiet space and spend a few minutes meditating on the following:

Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.”

 Be.Still.  Be.Still.   Repeat that slowly over and over again for 30 seconds.   What do you feel?   

  1. What would “de-plugging” do for your personal and spiritual life?
  2. What changes do you long to make in your life that would enable you to enjoy quiet, a slower pace, treasured family and devotional time?     
  3. What will you regret years  from now if you don’t make these changes now?